Our Water Programs


Citizens Partnership for Clean Canals (CPCC)

In collaboration with TEAM Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, the University of Miami, and the City of Punta Gorda, April 2024 began the expansion of our water monitoring programs, adding the Citizens Partnership for Clean Canals Alliance.  Initial funding has been secured in the form of a Marine Advisory Committee (MAC) grant and with support from the Punta Gorda Rotary Club.
A Project Plan and SOP’s are in place.  In July, testing expanded from two sites to four, with the intent to add additional sites as resources permit.
The purpose of this project is to gather and analyze data about the degree and nature of impairment in the canal system of Punta Gorda, in order to develop solutions.


January ’25 Update

A dozen volunteers have now been trained and are performing monthly monitoring at six locations.

General water quality and fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) are being tested in accordance with Charlotte County and FDEP quality control protocols and standard operating procedures.

In addition, we are awaiting DNA analyses of the samples collected during Debbie, Helene and Milton.

“Starred” Locations = Current Testing Sites

Interested in further information, or looking to join our efforts?

Let us know at:


6May2024 Collection Jar & Sampling Pole
Richard in water sampling 07012024